Friday, December 19, 2008

I could have sworn it said 'Akbear'...

Well, today wings and I made a pilgrimage to 'Akbar's Tomb' in Agra.
However, frankly, I'd misread the guidebook, I thought this was Akbear's Tomb.
Well, since we sounded like quite the enlightened human, he might have qualified as an honorary member of the Bear community...

From PhilomusInIndia

Then there was making friends with the locals:

It was almost like meeting one of Wing's distant cousins....
Then checking out the front of the Tomb...

From PhilomusInIndia

And there was us visiting the 'Baby Taj'. Because of recent 
security concerns, Bears and flying Pigs were actually
banned from the big Taj Mahal, but the Baby Taj no one
even checked...

But this Bear is undaunted, we got our glimpse of the Taj Mahal none the less:

From PhilomusInIndia

We end our trip to India enjoying the beauty of the Taj by sunset.

From PhilomusInIndia

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Out and About in Mumbai

From PhilomusInIndia

After about a week or so, the Bob person ended up heading to Mumbai. So, we hitched along. he's ok company, and the cab ride is free. So, we had a day out and about Mumbai with a Jenny person, one of the Bob person's co-workers.

Here's some of the places we saw in Mumbai:

From PhilomusInIndia

A sacred tree near the Hindu temple, with some of the local Gods...

From PhilomusInIndia

Admiring some of the ancient sculpture at one of Mumbai's oldest sacred spots:

From PhilomusInIndia

And contemplating the beauty of Baganga, or my navel, which ever is closer...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fallout From Mumbai Attacks in India

For the last couple of days we've been glued to the TV watching the Indian News about the attacks in Mumbai. It's fascinating for a political bear like me. Not so much because of what's being said but because when things go wrong here in India, people actually RESIGN! What a concept. Can you imagine if that happened in the US? Why, the last 7 years could have been so different!